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I just had a Uro surrendered to me...

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Posted by Ren21bo on May 01, 2003 at 08:50:28:

In Reply to: I just had a Uro surrendered to me... posted by Bigtattoo on May 01, 2003 at 08:30:38:

I totally hear you Big T! And you are right, people dont think BEFORE entering a pet shop. Or they go in blindly, have some kids that just HAVE to have a pet, and give in knowing nothing about what they are buying. I too could not turn away neglected animals if it were my shop. I get enough as it is just being an animal person! Always getting calls from people.."I found_____ will you take it?" End up with all kinds of critters in my home! LOL So I can sympathize!

Glad to hear the little feller is eating well and hopefully will have a full recovery! My Clark was terribly thin when I got him from the pet store I sued. The vet described it as.."skin hanging from his bones". But he hung in there and is now very plump! Only problem now is getting him thru this rough time. He apparantly ate something whole that didn't pass thru his system. I go back for my 3rd visit this week to the vet! But he's hangin in here well so far and hope we can get him out of the woods!

Good luck with your new addition :)

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