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Learning a lesson....

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Posted by lytnin on May 01, 2003 at 05:47:30:

In Reply to: Learning a lesson.... posted by Bigtattoo on April 30, 2003 at 19:54:57:

I would definately threaten their reputation. This board is where a lot of people go to inquire about good sources for Uros and I know that you are not the only one who would definately tell this story and warn anyone who may be thinking of purchasing one of their animals! (so did only one of your uros die or was it two?)

:I've dealt with them before and they always seemed to be righteous people to deal with. I would think since they new he was sick when they sent him they should have offered to replace him and you pay the shipping. That at least would be fair. $29.00 store credit is an insult. You might call them back and tell them of the good references they got from here and that many of the members will remember how they treated you on this deal. It may persuade them to reconsider their offer. The problem is they dumped these fresh imports as fast as they could and probably don't have any left to replace it with. Still you should get $65.00 credit.

:Sorry for your loss,

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