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Posted by lytnin on May 01, 2003 at 02:07:38:

In Reply to: Hi! posted by kg on April 29, 2003 at 22:00:31:

Welcome! The Deerfern Farm caresheet is pretty good, but if you would like to look at another you could go to have some there as well. As far as how much a hatchling goes for it depends on where you get it from. Unless you know of a good reptile shop in your hometown then I would suggest ordering from a breeder. This can be more expensive, but in the long run, probably a better decision b/c they are more healthy and well taken care uros are very fragile and need the proper care from the beginning.
I would say anything from about $60-$125...depending on what breed you are getting. Most reptile shops carry Mali Uros...and I would suggest beginning with one of these. I have two and they are great!! I got my two from a local place, but I made sure to ask a lot of questions about how they took care of their animals and I came back a couple of times and looked at the condiditon of all of their animals to see how repitible they were.
Sorry so long, hope this helps some!!

:Hi, I'm new to this board. Well I don't have a uromastyx, but my non-herper friend is getting one. Can someone point me out to some good care sheets other than the deer fern farm one? Thanks. Oh, and the average price for a hatchling or juvenile mail uromastyx would be nice too =) Thank you!

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