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Have another sick uro :(

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Posted by Ren21bo on April 29, 2003 at 17:35:16:

Well...Suzie's partner in crime Clark has been sick lately. Starting about friday he didn't come out to bask, didn't eat, and didn't seem himself. I watched him over the weekend, did a few soaks, and altho he was alert, just wasn't himself. So yesterday I took him to the vet and she was puzzled. We got an xray and would you believe that some piece of food (we think) was lodged in his intestines?? It wasn't impaction, just a piece of food that apparantly was not cut quite small enough. (shame on me :()

so we had 2 options....give him fluids (the vet) and me try to give him some baby food to soften whatever it was in there. Option Either one was a huge risk. Beings he was pretty perky still, I opted for the first option.

Today he seemed a bit better, altho still not eating and not basking, but definately had a little more energy. Back to the vet I go to have yet another xray. All that was clogged looked clear, however he hasn't gone to the bathroom yet and not totally out of the woods. She gave him another round of fluid and me another round of baby food. Keep your fingers crossed for me that he passes this thing and gets well!!

So the moral of my story is just never know what on earth can be going on inside...always get them to a vet ASAP! and lesson 2, always make sure you can afford any vet bills that may arise before purchasing any pet. Cost me over $200 for these 2 visits! Thankfully I was able to pay them!

Just thought I'd update you.


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