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Posted by lytnin on April 29, 2003 at 02:40:28:

In Reply to: ?'s posted by saint alphonzo on April 28, 2003 at 22:56:02:

The picture posted above is most-likely of a male mali as they are black with yellow patterns and females are tan and brown.
Also, while your Uro will probably not become aggressive if you introduce a female, it is my experience that they will obviously become less interested in your company.
I had a very "challanging" male and I decided to get him a girlfriend. I introduced a very docile and sweet female. Now the male has calmed down quite a bit and the female is kinda jittery--not aggressive, but neither really wants to be held and would rather just hang out in their enclosure with each other.
Hope this helps!

::okay im going to say this much my sister is the reptile keeper at Wild Adventures she is the one who got me hooked so i was just wondering if there was a way to have inrich meant in his cage besides rocks and wood
:your Uro does not need to play.
:The suggestions of Sadenna are excellent. Keep your Uro curious and alert.
:When he has a terrarium with perfect temperature, humidity, etc, where he can hide himself when he wants and where het gets the right food and some attention, than you will see a happy Uro.

:When you place him together with a female, he normally will not become agressive .

:Greetings from the Netherlands

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