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New little girl mali =)

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Posted by msmmarie on April 28, 2003 at 11:16:34:

Well all, I don't have pics yet but I got a new little girl mail over the weekend (well little is relative!). I thought mira would be needing some more company as I graduate in two weeks and will be working full time and won't be home with her as much. Mira is already so little (a guy at a frat here gave her to me and she was living in a shoe box so maybe she's stunted) and the newer girl is full grown or close to so she's like twice mira's size but she's a doll!. They look nothing alike though, mira is very very dark (but her femoral pores, shape of her head and lack of a 'bulge' make me think she's definitely female) and the new girl (we named her farasha which means 'butterfly' in egyptian) is huge and very light. Mira is being a little territorial and a throwing a fit from time to time but they bask together and seem generally friendly. Since I got farasha to keep company with mira I'm really concerned that they'll end up being friends. So far ok but I hope it goes better soon. Farasha was eating from my hand about 5 minutes after getting her home on Saturday and she's out basking (she's not sure about all the new noises in her new home though) so I think she's doing great at acclimating. I just hope that they'll be good company for eachother. Cross your fingers for me guys!! lol I'll post pics as soon as I get them =), molly

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