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Sunshine Wake Up

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Posted by lytnin on April 26, 2003 at 16:09:20:

In Reply to: Sunshine Wake Up posted by georgio on April 26, 2003 at 12:20:13:

Boulder's burns are looking better. They are all so cute. I love watching the things reptiles do...I especially like the Boulder v. Cat story...that is hilarious!!! I wanted to ask you...where did you get pumpkin and popeye from? I am trying to find a good place to get a beardie (male) from and I want one that either is a pastel, snow or one that looks like you breed these too, by chance? I would be interested in purchasing one if you do.


:I brought the gang out for a little morning sunshine. Boulder and Pumpkin shared an old, dark coffee table that warms up real well. Popeye had to go on a chair so Boulder wouldn't bully him (boys...hmph). Poor Nebu had to stay inside. I only bring him out solo.


:Boulder shed most of the skin around his burns. Now just the major third degree burn tissue is left which will probably slough off soon to reveal scar tissue.

:Boulder's gangsta' rap impersonation.

:Here's Popeye thinking, "That brute is going to steal my woman...and I'm too much of a chicken to do anything about it...(sigh) nice guys always finish last."

:Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures.




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