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Food recommendations for Nigerians?

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Posted by jimbo on April 25, 2003 at 19:47:15:

In Reply to: Food recommendations for Nigerians? posted by Karu on April 25, 2003 at 19:38:46:

The gazania rigens I got at a local nursery. I may have asked for a different name, I don't remember. The dandelions, I found that it's hard to find them for sale, as they're considered a weed. Go to Deer Fern Farms page and click on the flowers and plants page. There's some good pictures of dandelions. I never really knew they were all over, until I saw what they looked like. You probably know, and maybe there's none around. Take a look at my list that I've acquired here at the forum. I printed it out and took it to the nursery with me. Just make sure that at least 30+ days go by before feeding it to the uros, if you're not sure if pesticides were used.


:Cool video! Where do you find dandelions? I have looked EVERYWHERE around my yard and surrounding areas. I would think they would be everywhere in Florida! Is there any place to buy dandelions and gazania rigens?

:P.S. My uro loves a mixture of Roman, Collar and Mustard Greens.

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