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Posted by blackjesus on April 25, 2003 at 03:42:42:

In Reply to: Leashes posted by Odin1 on April 24, 2003 at 18:36:53:

i tried a leash one time and punch hated it, he would trash around and spin like a gator when it has pray. don't use a glass cage because it will cook your uro, i've heard of people using those big rubbermade containers. you know the clear ones. they are pretty inexpensive. good luck with the leash.

:I went to a reptile supply store today and saw they had lizard leashes. Have any of u ever used this "leash". It seems like it would be a great way to get my uro used to being outside without me havong to hold him. Do any of u think that it would be good to buy a "leash" or should i continue to hold him while outside because one time i tried to let him on the grass and he moved way faster than i thought possible for his fat body.

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