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Re: some ?s

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Posted by jimbo on April 20, 2003 at 20:46:33:

In Reply to: some ?s posted by aaronb716 on April 20, 2003 at 20:01:26:

Acclimation can take a while. A couple of days is nothing to worry about, just keep the food available. Here's a few things to try while acclimating:
Cover the sides of the cage so she can't see the "goings on" in the room. Change her food after she's gone to bed for the night. Make sure the temps are correct. Handle her as little as possible. Offer a variety of safe foods for her to choose from, not to forget some dry food. Many say that dry foods can cause dehydration during acclimation, and it can, but it can also stimulate eating by getting that dry food down and turned into energy.
You may find that though you don't notice, she'll start eating while you're not around. For more info on acclimation, check out and
As for the coloration, depending on the specie and age, I'd bet the coloration will come with maturity. Good luck.

:ok ive had her, yep shes a her now i have to change her name, ok first question is how long will she go with out eating because i dont think she has eaten anything since i got her , ive only had her for about two days but im worried that she may starve. last question will her colers become brighter as she gets older thanks

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