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Re: help

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Posted by georgio on April 19, 2003 at 12:00:51:

In Reply to: Re: help posted by Saddle109 on April 19, 2003 at 11:11:16:

A few things:

As far as age goes you can get an idea by the coloration. Does your mali show much black? Black does not start forming until about age 2. If the head legs and tail are all black you can probably guess he/she is 3+ years old.

For sexing you can check a few things. Adult males will generally have thicker necks as well as pronounced femoral pores. If you have a male and it is sexually mature he will probably be excreting a waxy substance from his pores during this time (spring). Here's a picture:

Also, females will generally have a bulge in the middle of the base of their tail while males will have two bulges on either side. With Mali's it is sometimes hard to tell sex because for some reason females will mimic natural male coloration in captivity.

As far as your setup you may want to put his basking light and hide on the ground level. Uromastyx are generally ground dwellers that make burrows and require cages with more floor space than height. Your cage sounds like it would be better designed to house say a water dragon which are arboreal. Does he freely climb up and down between the first and second floor? Make sure his basking spot is around 120 degrees (check it with a digital thermometer).

Hope that helps...


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