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Re: a question

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Posted by Spankenstyne on April 18, 2003 at 01:18:19:

In Reply to: Re: a question posted by georgio on April 18, 2003 at 01:00:15:

It's so hard to find any pictures of any large mali's with people in the picture to see a reasonable size comparison to a person.I have read that they seem to get about as big as a beardie but then at the same time i've read that beardies can get to around 2 feet, while someplaces say Mali's can get to 18" or a bit biger and some say around 16" as you've said..
Sounds like the Egyptians might be more what i'm looking for as they seem the ideal size.Then again i saw what looked like a decent sized Saharan (Nigerian?) in a picture hr as well.
Bah it's all so confusing lol.
As for pictures of me i'll try and find something :)
I must also say that i've greatly enjoyed your pictures and stories of Boulder.
Those along with a few inquisitive and charming little Mali's i saw at a petstore have me really thinking i'd love to take care of one of the little buggers.

Is Boulder's 21" including his tail or is it STV length?


:No Malis will not get as big as Boulder. A large male mali is about 16 inches and 600 grams or so. Boulder is 21 inches and 1600 grams. I'm not sure if he is growing any more but I'm crossing my fingers because it will mean he's still young (probably less than 8 years old). So far no growth but he has put on some weight. Now where's your picture of yourself? =)

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