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Press: Toad rescue in vain

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Posted by W von Papine�u on April 01, 2003 at 20:31:22:

BIRMINGHAM POST (UK) 01 April 03 Toad rescue in vain
Hundreds of toads were killed when animal lovers turned up too late to help their annual migration across a busy road.
The creatures were trying to cross Beech Road in Ironbridge, Shropshire, to get to a pool for the mating season but most were killed on the way as residents who had planned to help them across the road turned up too late.
The residents arrived at the roadside to discover more than 200 of the toads had been flattened on the Shropshire road.
Joanna Harrison and friend Carla Lowndes had gone to the crossing point armed with buckets to help the toads cross.
But when they got there all the animals had either crossed to the pond or died trying.
Mrs Harrison said she had contacted the council to find out if it could look at closing the road in future years or put up a sign warning motorists of the hazard but had not had any response.
She said she had first spotted the toads when she was out walking with her young daughter.
She added: �I noticed five toads trying to cross at once and only three of them made it.
�It is not a particularly busy road and I don�t think it would cause too many problems to close it for 48 hours a year,� Mrs Harrison added.

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