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URGENT HELP NEEDED!! -elaphe radiata.

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Posted by borneoshankhdotz on January 22, 2003 at 06:24:36:

I found my CB02 female radiated rat-snake in very ill health yesterday. She is usually quite nippy and fast, but she is really slow now-infact almost motionless! All the way down the length of the animal the body has change form to a triangular cross-section, she is unusually white also and for 2or3" down the neck looks somewhat swollen. I picked her up and her body was just twisting and twisting along the length in some kind of crazy dizzy madness!
The temps are ok, the humidity maybe slightly too high, branches, good-sized water bowl, hot-spot, relatively large enclosure.
-The only thing that i think it may be:
-I recently bleached the substrate moss overnight but maybe didnt rinse all of the bleach away?
-prehaps the frozen pinky food is out of date and gone bad?
-i gave the snake a bath in cold water a few weeks ago, and she had a bad muscle reflex to that-she was all twisted and couldnt move until she was warm again?

-i noticed yesterday that there was some unusual blue-coloured urine clumps in her tank-can this have somethbing to do with the bleach used?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

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