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Re: Wooden or glass vivarium?

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Posted by Warren_Booth on October 06, 2002 at 10:29:18:

In Reply to: Wooden or glass vivarium? posted by sweex on September 30, 2002 at 16:54:25:

With leopard geckos I would happily use glass tanks. I use plasyic geoflats for mine and they are great and i also use glass larger ones for breeding groups. leopards are an animal that dies not really stress out to easilt in my opinion and they will happily live in waterever you put them in, as long as it is big enough, and they have all the necessary cage accessory requirements, i.e. water bowl, hide boxes, one at the cold end, one at the hot. A suitable heat gradient, calcium dish, etc.

Also, I disagree about glass always being cold to the touch. not in my snake room. All my tanks are heated to 82oF for my Tree Boas and they ar never cold to the touch. They are completely glass and my animals are 100% healthy in them, feeding, breeding perfectly.

Basically with a leopard gecko, its up to you. Make sure the tank has suitable ventialtion, so with a glass tank get a proper vivarium lid. apart from that just make sure the tank is not put in a busy corridor or near an major temperature fluctuations and you will be fine.


Warren Booth

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