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Press: Crocodiles found at terrace house

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Posted by W von Papineäu on September 03, 2002 at 14:23:52:

MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS (UK) 03 September 02 Crocodiles found at terrace house
Police officers' jaws dropped when they found two crocodiles living in an Oldham terrace house.
Armed with a court warrant, they discovered the 2 foot-long beasts in a specially erected pen in a bedroom.
The crocs had a paddling pool to keep them cool during their stay.
More creatures, including tortoises, were also found at the house. Reptile experts and a local veterinary surgeon carried out checks and a tortoise was removed for treatment. The crocodiles were taken away under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976.
Carol Brown, acting assistant director of environment and transportation for Oldham council, said certain reptiles, including crocodiles, could only be kept if the owner had a licence.
She added: "Anyone thinking of keeping such a pet must be sure they are able to care for the animal in appropriate conditions.
"Unfortunately, people are still ignoring warnings about the dangers in keeping reptiles, amphibians and other animals in inappropriate conditions.
"It is irresponsible behaviour that can cause serious injuries to pet owners or family members."
The crocodiles are to be rehomed - possibly in a specialist wildlife park in Europe.
A man is to appear in court in an action under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act.

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