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snapper turtle help needed!

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Posted by Plane2Sea on May 18, 2003 at 23:48:42:

Today we had a large snapper turtle hit by a truck in front of the house. We did not expect him to make it (and he still might not) but this evening he was still alive and had moved under a car we have parked in the back yard. Although I have an iguana I know nothing about turtles. If he makes it through the night - is there any kind of care I can give to him until I can figure out what to do with him? He is not in water (we are not even near a lake). His shell is cracked near the tail - I honestly don't know if there is anything that can be done for him or not, but I am willing to give it a try if I can figure out what to do. I was thinking of calling wildlife management in the morning if he was still alive and see if they could tell me who to contact in regards to him. If anyone has any advice or ideas to help - please let me know! Thanks- Cat

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