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Re: Matamata Feeding,

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Posted by crang11 on April 23, 2003 at 19:19:09:

In Reply to: Re: Matamata Feeding, posted by beccadvorak on April 21, 2003 at 15:16:34:

Panacur is what is used to deworm them. I use Metrobendozine for flukes in a qurantine tank for their food (I quarantine about 200 fathead minnows at a time). Then every six months I take some Panacur (you can buy a big tube from a vet website that deals with horses although panacur is used on all species)and mix it up in a shotglass with some water until dissolved. I suck the mix up into a syringe with a ball tip and pump some of the mix down the matas throat. It is important with Panacur to keep up this regimen every 3 days for a series of three doses. Otherwise the Panacur does no good. The lethal dose of Panacur is far greater than what you will put down their throat so dont worry about this. Any other method needs to be done by a vet. If you have any other mata questions feel free to e-mail me direct at

:Thanks for replying. You think that one feeder tuffie (rosie) is enough per day for a hatchling? And what do you use to deworm? Where should I get it?


::I think that if you've gutloaded your fish, you don't really need to kill them. They eat only live fish in the wild and don't need reptomin, which is basically just fishmeal anyway. feed my matamata all live fish (4-6 dozen at a time, now :P). However, there shouldn't be a health risk to feeding freshly killed fish. I've heard you should deworm them every 6 months, which seems like a good idea to me.


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