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Re: Lets not lose sight of what Nathan said

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Posted by Kanuck on April 17, 2003 at 12:31:31:

In Reply to: Re: Lets not lose sight of what Nathan said posted by nathana on April 17, 2003 at 11:42:42:

Very nice setups Nathan. Your animals all look extremely healthy. Sorry, no pictures of mine. I have enough problems just getting netscape to work for me let alone doing whatever it is you have to do to upload pictures. As far as 100 gallons being big enough for a pair of spotted, yes I do believe its big enough if you get the long version. 72" by 18" or whatever the dimensions are divided equally between land and water. The land portion contains a mix of ground spaghnum moss and river sand. Lighting is provided by a bank of 48" flourescent lights and the basking spot is an active UV heat bulb from zoomed. I have two fluval 404's filtering the water portion. I have a gravel substrate, a couple of small logs and several small floating aquatic plants. A partial water change is done on a weekly basis and I break the whole thing down on a bi-yearly basis. Feeding is done in a cement mixing tub to keep any uneaten food particles and waste products to a minimum. I hibernate the turtles in a bar fridge in tuper ware containers in shredded newspaper after slowly removing the heat from their enclosure and lessening their photoperiod. They also fast for approx 3 weeks before they are put down. Temperatures in the fridge are monitored with a high low thermometer and kept between 39 and 41 for the two month period they go down. I did not hibernate them for the first three years that I had them. I was rather nervous about doing so and to be honest I'm still not that comfortable but it's worked so far. I might have left out one or two things but thats about it for basic care and maintenance. I will concede that your setup is probably much more efficient as it takes some maintenace to keep mine up to snuff, but I think my animals do as well in their indoor setups as yours do in your outdoor ones. I must say that I've actually enjoyed our rather spirited discussion. Best of luck in your future endevors

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