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Re: Pretty slow lately huh?...........subject matter suggestions

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Posted by Lisa on May 05, 2001 at 05:53:15:

In Reply to: Pretty slow lately huh?...........subject matter suggestions posted by Todd Evans on May 01, 2001 at 15:57:34:

: I've noticed that the posting in here died down a little what does everyone want to talk about?
: The Society is doing an expo for the University of Pittsburgh. Tomorrow is the last day. Animals are on display.

I've been offline lately due to last minute newsletter stuff, and going to the Pitt display all 3 days - that was alot of fun hangin' out with fellow club members, and trying to educate the kids, but it was alot of work too. As a result of spending 3 days 9am-2pm at Pitt, and then working from 4pm-1:30am - not only did I not get much sleep last week (about 3.5 hrs/night), I didn't get to finish the newsletter - oops - consequently, it may not arrive in mailboxes until *after* the meeting on Wednesday. Not a good start for my first issue. :(

: The next show is quickly approaching us. Planning continues, Vendors are still welcome to reserve tables. We may need a few more signs made. The previous ones are in storage, but it never hurts to have more signage. We will need people to help pass out flyers and advertise for us, volunteers are always welcome. Remember, becoming a member of the society entitles you to free admission to the show, but we would like to see participation in the planning and staffing at the show as well.

Well you know I'll help out wherever I'm needed. Just let me know...

: May 9th is the next meeting, if Steve or Lisa come on here and happen to know what the program for next week will be please inform and describe what we can expect.

Well, this is what I "think" the program is on Wednesday - Steve told me, but he wasn't sure. Fred Bruckman knows someone doing research on watersnakes (perhaps Northerns specifically). The research has to do with the well known fact that water snake bites bleed *profusely* - that they have anticoagulant properties in their saliva. It may be that in frogs and fish, there is more than just anticoagulant effects - the saliva may actually serve as a primitive venom. This is not unheard of since similar theories exist for garter snakes and hognose snakes (although I don't remember hearing that their bites bleed any more than normal). Anyways, I haven't been in contact with John Wood yet this week (he's in charge of programs) to confirm this, so I hope I am not spreading misinformation here.

: I'm not sure when it will take place, but in either June, or July, the society will be having it's annual picnic, to replace one of our meetings. I hope to see a lot of people there joining us for some summer fun.

Traditionally, it's been in late July and is held in a state or county park. We often try to hold it in a place that allows alcoholic beverages, and allows either open fires, grills, or both. June and August are also possibilities for the picnic, but reservations for pavilions may already be booked up for June. If you have a current PA fishing license - bring it - we go field herping - to see what's out there. The problem is the hotter and drier the summer, the harder it is to find herps. Hopefully that won't be a problem this year. At the very end of the last meeting, I had mentioned my idea that could we maybe try something different this year, and hold the picnic at a location that has camping, and reserve some sites if anyone wants to camp (either overnight or the whole weekend). I think you and Steve were the only ones to hear my idea though - so we'll have to put it to the group to see if there is even any interest.

: Thanks all, I've said my peace, keep the posts coming.

: Thank you,



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