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Re: to Todd Evans (post in Kingsnake Boa Forum)

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Posted by Lisa on April 20, 2001 at 05:46:21:

In Reply to: to Todd Evans (post in Kingsnake Boa Forum) posted by SweetLeaf on April 19, 2001 at 10:36:18:

Sounds like you have some great ideas! You just need to find the right people first. Organizing a herp society is similar to herding cats - first you gotta get your cats! A guy who used to be in our society moved out near Harrisburg, I'll pass it along the grapevine for him to post here. I've only been in TSHS since '97, but I can send you a copy of our constitution, and our next newsletter, which I'm completely renovating.

I'd say go ahead and flyer petstores, grocery stores, home improvement stores, public libraries, museums (esp. natural history), nature centers, animal shelters, high schools (if permitted)and definitely colleges (esp. biology, geology, engineering/computerscience, and education departments). A tall order? Yeah, it's a bit daunting, and time consuming; but more ordinary methods may not work. Also, if Harrisburg has a regional "portal", webring, whatever, try to list your newly formed club on it. And perhaps even more importantly, contact itself - for all the obvious reasons.

Reptiles magazine had an article about what a herp society "needs" - "Herpetological Societies: Their Place and Purpose in Today's World" by Rex Lee Searcey. I only saved that article, so I'm not sure what month it's from. If you can't order a reprint, let me know.

BTW love the acronym! Too funny (sorry, no pun intended)!

Talk to you later,


:First of all let me thank you for your invitation.
: Secondly GO PENS!!! (HMM, maybe that should have came first)

: I'm from Southcentral PA, just outside of Harrisburg. As far as I know there are no Herp Societies in the area, other than yourselves, and NEPA (Northeast PA...) Which are both about a 2 1/2 hour drive from here.
: I contacted the NEPA about starting a Herp Society in the Harrisburg area, but the only reply I got back was an invitation to join NEPA. Don't get me wrong, I visited their forum, and everyone seemed nice, but they're just too far away.
: I wanted to start a local Herp society, but about as far as I got was to design a logo, and an invitation to join flyer (to put in area pet stores.)

: I have been hesitant to contact any store owners due to the fact that I have no idea how to organize such an endeavor.
: I was hoping to have meetings (preferably somewhere where people could bring a snake or too for "show and tell", Start a small rescue operation, and do some school exibits in elementary schools (to dispel myths about snakes and to promote Animal/Habitat conservation awareness)

: Could you, or someone (or everyone) in your orginization, give me any advise on how to impliment and maintain such an entity?
: Please feel free to E-Mail any any information.

: Thank You for your time,
: Mark Blanchard
: (The Hopefully soon to be)
: Harrisburg Area Herp Association (HAHA)

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