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Public Apology to Steve Leitkam

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Posted by Todd Evans on March 25, 2002 at 00:05:54:


I wanted to apologize for the way things transpired between us. I truly had no intentions of leaving you in the dark about the decisions that were being made. I realize that your opinion would have been useful and appreciated. I also apologize for the personal things that were mentioned. I lost control and hit the send button when I should have stepped back and thought things through. I know that being President was a stressful position, and that the tough times we had were not to blame on you. I also know that the show situation was difficult as well, and would like to commend you for sticking with it as long as you did. I do wish that you had accepted help when it was offered. If not for anything else but to relieve you of some undue stress. I just wanted you to know that I hold no hostilities toward you, and would like to remain friends as well as fellow members of the TSHS. I also want you to know that my apology is sincere and in good faith. Things never should have escelated as they did, and I said some terrible things. I do apologize and hope that you will come to the show and hang out with us. BTW...I was able to wrangle Dean away from the Dixie show......

Todd Evans

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