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Re: How do successful shows succeed?

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Posted by Chris on February 21, 2002 at 13:01:10:

In Reply to: How do successful shows succeed? posted by Lisa on February 21, 2002 at 09:19:06:

I don't know about the hamburg show because I never been there and I am new. However, I do have some opinions about how shows succeed.

First, I don't think that it's just one thing. I think that it's a combination of factors. Some of which are timing, people power, and marketing/advertising. And each of these have various things that influence them.

I think having shows like the columbus and monroville ones does hurt us, even though they don't permit venomous species. They still take people and vendors away. However, I don't feel it's a big problem. It might even help later on. I think that a major problem is the lack of help that we have. I feel that if we can succeed with this then the show will succeed. It's is also probably going to be the hardest thing to overcome. We need people to help call vendors, help with advertising, and help with the planning. Which brings up another issue. I think that we need more advertising. We need to get the word out. If I was not a member I would have never known about the show. I think that we need to do whatever we can to get as much advertisment as possible. Now I don't know how much money we have to spend on this or how much it costs to advertise on various mediums. We need to get as much free advertisment as possible. Like calling all local TV and newspaper companies. See if they will do stories or write ups. With all the news about snakes killing people they should want to do something like this. And when we talk to vendors tell them that we are going to advertising on TV, radio, or newspapers and try to explain that this is going to bring in more people/business.

This is just my 2 cents on things.

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