Thanks, Todd. There have been some definite production slowdowns that I'll have to work out in the months ahead - I'd like to mail them out by the 30th of the month, but that has proved difficult, I'm still trying to get the hang of this.
As for the cost, well suffice it to say that at Kinko's one 11"x17" full color page costs $2.85. At 10 pages each for 45 newsletters that's about $480. Per issue. (And that's not including extra newsletters for free distributions to shops, etc.) Needless to say, only the coverpage will be in color.
Feel free to include anything from the newsletter on the website, especially the calendar of events, etc.
Anyways, thanks for the compliments - I'll see ya at the meeting tonight.
: Lisa has done a WONDERFUL job with the new Herpetological Herald. If anybody hasn't seen theirs yet, get ready to be amazed. Mine was delivered to me by Lisa herself (convenience, she killed about 5 birds with one stone coming to the Pet Center) and I must say, I really enjoyed it. If there is no other reason to become a member, this should clinch it for people. I mean think about it, $15 per year, gets you 12 issues of this great publication. That's $1.25 per issue. I've attempted similar endeavors, and have found that these things HAVE to be costing more than that to produce. The quality is great, the articles are very good, and this was just Lisa doing it all herself.
: We need to get more people invloved as well, don't just sit back and have Lisa do all the work, we need to ban together as a society and help her keep this thing going. I understand the work involved, and know that it is VERY easy to get burned out after a few short months, so let's start submitting some articles.
: I'd also like to thank Lisa for all the nice things she said about the website and Every time I communicate with Jeff Barringer (webmaster and owner of and all the other * sites) I overly thank him for providing us with such a wonderful service. When I first started the site, I didn't know where to go for hosting, then when I found that he does it for FREE, I had to jump on it. This truly is the best place to go for herp related information and association.
: Once again, Thank you very much Lisa, You've made the Herpetological Herald probably one of the best society newsletters around.
: Todd
: Webmaster
: Tri-State Herp Society
: P.S. When Halloween comes around, please don't use the saying "have a herpy halloween" George and I got some pretty grim visuals when we read that last year. HEE HEE
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