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Re: lots of questions

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Posted by Kim Kautz on June 11, 2001 at 14:29:13:

In Reply to: Re: lots of questions posted by Steve on June 09, 2001 at 07:27:49:

: As to what we are all about, you can check our website at Basically, we are a group of people who enjoy reptiles and amphibians. Some of use breed them, some only keep them. Most of us are interested in educating the public in regards to these creatures as well,

: In regards to whether we have any members in your part of the state, in the past I am sure we did, currently I don't think so, but I would have to check a current members list to be certain. How far are you from Harrisburg and Lancaster? I know people in both areas. Most are involved in breeding snakes, and one is a rodent breeder as well. In fact, there has been talk about forming a herpetological society in that area, possibly even in conjunction with this one.

: As to shows, that I am not sure of. Last year there were shows in Lancaster, but I haven't heard of any being scheduled for this year. The next closest show I can think of would be in Hamburg, PA.

: Let me know if you have any additional questions.

I am around 30-45 minutes from Lancaster and Harrisburg, I would love for someone to form a club in this area.

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