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Re: why not a RETF for a beginner?

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Posted by redwards99 on May 08, 2003 at 20:35:01:

In Reply to: Re: why not a RETF for a beginner? posted by markc on April 19, 2003 at 09:27:27:

:why do you want a treefrog? to watch during the day? to scare your family/friends? redeyes look cool?
:redeyes are nocturnal and very secretive. not very hardy. slow movers. the setup is different. some people have success, but most don't. why risk an expensive frog for your first if you don't know if something is wrong. get a white's first. then after 6 months or so with no problems, setup another tanks for a redeye after doing your research. then buy a redeye.

I want a redeye 'cause they look cool...they are the most
beautiful frog (IMO) including poison arrow frogs. I don't
care if they are inactive during the day, so am's called
work :). I don't expect an animal to perform (when I had an
Everglades Rat Snake, my friends used to get pissed because I
would invite them over to see it devour a mouse, but I kept it
to the feeding schedule that was best for the snake - they got
pissed because they wanted to see it more often.) I plan on
having a very heavily planted tank, and for me that is a bonus,
cause you have to see the frog on its terms, not on yours, and
when you do get to see it, it's a special treat. Then again,
I am the guy who spent over half an hour trying to catch a
glimpse of one of the poison arrow frogs at the National
Aquarium in Baltimore...judge accordingly.

Okay, I'm just rambling now :)


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