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No frogs are compatible....

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Posted by Double J on April 02, 2003 at 22:38:14:

In Reply to: Viquarium basics, please give advice posted by SarahRuss on April 02, 2003 at 22:12:36:

There are so many reasons why frogs should not be mixed, read the threads below and you will find out why. However, you can still go ahead with the viuqarium idea, though you will have to stick with fish and/or snails. I keep "mystery snails" in my Taricha granulosa (oregon newt) vivarium, and it keeps the algae in check. Fish such as guppies and other hearty ones work great as well. Stay away from goldfish, they are just a messy nightmare. Make sure that you have more than adequate ground space for the white's, and you will need a ar biggr tank than normal to pull off something such as this. Make sure the water curents are not too strong as well, as I am unsure as to a white's swimming ability. You willl need a screen top to ensure the humidity will not rise to above what s appropruate for a WTF. Keep in mind, that you will not be able to use a "waterfall" filter, as that would proide an easy escape for the frog. And one final note, KEPP THAT LEOPARD IN DIFFERENT CAGE!!! I am not trying to be rude, instead I am saving you from future grief. Trust me. So, in closing, this Single species frog viquarium will require a fair amount of planning, but with the proper foresight, it may wotrk.
Double J

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