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Re: atb shedding probs

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Posted by boaboy13 on January 30, 2003 at 14:05:31:

In Reply to: Re: atb shedding probs posted by magus on January 30, 2003 at 13:40:19:

Hey, i have the same prob with all my amazons, take him out (you may want to have a box of band aids near by) and get a bin to hold water (a trash can works to) put some air holes on top, make sure there is no way he can climb and hang on the edge, put about a foot of warm water in it. (you need more water with abroile (spelling?) snakes, put him in put the lid on and let him soak for about 2 hrs, i try to do this each day till he clears up. For skin that is stuck on the eye cap, take him by the head and get a bow of water, put his head under water for 5 secs at a time, do this about 6-7 times, then very very gently rub your finger over the eye cap, the mimbring of skin should come off, if not dont keep rubing, or rub to hard! You can damage the eye cap if your not careful, also i herd that you can take twesers and get the dead skin at the corner of the eye and pull the skin off, i have never tryed doing that yet. Also you can take a wet snake bag and put him it for a little while, i did it with last litter of ATB babies and it worked great. Well good luck and let us know if it works or not, if you still have probloms e-mail me
good luck

P.s im sorry but im in a rush, sorry for any bad grammer or words that i miss spelled

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