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Posted by Doug T on January 23, 2003 at 00:21:06:

In Reply to: But wait... posted by Yasser on January 22, 2003 at 22:19:34:

You'll pretty much need to farm it yourself.

I've got a pretty good handle on the Mandarins as far as captive care and husbandry goes. Why a snake that lives withing 15 degrees of the equator would need to be put through what I do to mine to get them to reproduce, I dont understand.

One of my males is the second best looking MTB I've ever seen (Rene Voss has the winner). Hopefully he can be the start of some nice bright, high yellow mandarins.

As for Greens, they seem to be more commonly bred, but there isn't a lot of info easily available. I know David Tracer (Ophidiophile) is working with some greens.

Gray phase..., the guy who started this thread is the first person I've seen ever even admit they have one. I've only seen pictures of 1 other gray.

My own caresheet can be seen at:

This isn't the definitive work on them, just the best I could do at collecting some data and figuring out what works. It may or may not apply to Grays or Greens.

As for my soaking female, she appeared to have ovulated a few weeks back, but she doesn't have the look of a gravid female now. Reabsorbed? Dunno...

I do understand the scrub addiction, athough scrubs aren't my particular weakness. M. boeleni are my fixation....THEY WILL BE MINE....


:Doug, although the female was soaking this year as well as last year when she reproduced, should still could have been on the same track this year. She just never ovulated and just reabsorbed the follicles.
:Oh and the keyword is CURB here. As soon as we can afford the space, they are high on our list of species to work with.
:Now that I've seen the Grey phase, I think I'm in love. Although I do enjoy the looks of Mandarins as well. Is there any good compiled info on these guys? No snippets...I'm talkin' meaty info...
:Take it easy.

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