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Help Out A Newbie......(long, sorry)

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Posted by ThaVille on January 08, 2003 at 13:28:44:

Hello, all. I recently acquired my first ATB this past Sat. @ the Kentucky Reptile Expo and I am very excited about it. I did research on them before I went, so I think I am prepared to handle this amazing snake. I am not a newbie to herps however, I own a ball python, a crested gecko and 2 leopard gex. Ok, here's my story. I got the boa, which looks to be fairly young/juvenile (around 2 feet long) from a guy who said the mother was an import who dropped babies in captivity, so its not really a captive-bred snake. The boa was also only eating house geckos. This put me off at first but seeing it was still fairly young and being the stubborn person I am I bought it (only 40$). I thinks its a garden phase, not sure....greyish w/ red spots on the head and stripes on body. Very pretty. Yesterday I bought a house gecko and a pinky mouse and killed the gecko and scented the pinky with it. After a little coaxing, I got the boa to eat the mouse. It was weird because he did'nt strike and constrict, but nosed it for a while and then swallowed it. I was pretty happy. Hopefully he'll be eating regular pinkies soon. I have the boa house in a 72 quart rubbermaid with pvc pipes going through it for it to climb/perch on, a water bowl on the warm side of the tank (I heat w/ a 75 watt reptile bulb suspended about 6 inches above the cage)and a hide spot on the cool side. How does my setup sound? I mist once a day to keep up humidity. Also, how often should I feed him? I feed my ball once a week, but do the tree boas need more food or less? Is one pinky a week good? Right now I'm going to leave him alone and let him settle in and get comfortable. Any and all advice is welcome and wanted. I want to do the best for this guy (I'm not really sure if its a male, just guessing) and I appreciate your opinions. Thanks and sorry for the long post.

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