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ATB versus a GTP...any advice on which one?

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Posted by greenmclagan on December 25, 2002 at 07:33:26:

I plan of purchasing an arboreal snake at the New York Expo. I'm currently debating between a ATB or a GTP. I'm new to the arboreal type species (I've owned all BCC's and BCI's).
I've heard that ATB's are a great starter snake for individual's getting involved with arboreal species. My only concern is that I haven't heard one positive aspect of their behavior. I consistantly find links stating how nippy they are.
I've read that GTP's tend to be a bit more docile, but the temp. and humidity are VERY essential as compared to an ATB.

Does anyone have any input into these species? Which would you recommend and why? I would really appreciate some advice. I would like to make a wise purchase decision.



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