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I would go with your most reliable Herp dealer!!...also

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Posted by John Hedger on December 22, 2002 at 14:52:09:

In Reply to: Which one is batter ? posted by a_chen_tw on December 21, 2002 at 23:31:27:

"I saw a sub-adult ETB sold in the petshop , it was from WC and looks sickly . Therefore , the shop owmer told me that the ETB will feedinf and feed a mice right away ."

**I would pass that one up if it looks sickly!! Emeralds generally don't fix well if broken** However, in some cases skinny emeralds can gain weight and fill up over a long period if they don't regurgitate. You have to have much patience however and avoid the temptation of over feeding! I would ask if that snake has ever regugitated and if the pet shop guy says "yes" then you should run out of there immediately!!!!

:Any good recommends ?
I'm not sure who to recommend in your area. But I would try to get as healthy an animal as possible! Most wc GTP's are junk. If you get one I would get a healthy looking male.. Female wildcaughts generally don't do as well. Are there no captive born tree boids available to you?

:Thanks a lot !

:Best Regards

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