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Jungle Gym

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Posted by natural on November 23, 2002 at 05:16:50:

Hi everyone.I keep and breed amazon basins and like to make sure that they get some quality exercise between meals.Here is a easy way yhat you can set up anywhere.Go to Lowe's or Home Depot in the gardening dept. and find stakes used for plant support.They have some 8 foot x 1 in. steel stakes
covered in green plastic.These also have little ridges on them that help the snakes get a grip.Initially, you'll need 7 of them.When you get home take three of the stakes,hold them together and stand them straight up.Now take some duct tape and tape them together about 1 foot from the top.Now extend the legs of your "tripod" so that it supports itself.
At this point you might add some additional tape just to make it more
secure.Repeat this on three more stakes and now you have two tripods and an extra stake.Space the tripods
6 or 7 feet apart and then take the extra stake and position each end securely in the top of each tripod.Voila! You now have vertical and horizontil climbing space for your
snakes.You can add more tripods if you have the room and set it up anywhere you want,inside or outside.I like to set it up in my living room while i'm hanging out.I love to watch my basins
climb,especially vertically and it's good for their digestion and muscle tone too! You can sterilize it easily
and when you're done with it, fold it up and put it in a corner somewhere.
We all love our arboreal's and if
this long post helps even one person enjoy these beautiful snakes even more,then that's great.

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