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I'd say forget about selling them for now!!

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Posted by John Hedger on November 16, 2002 at 15:29:42:

In Reply to: Help!! Atb babies are throwingup, and have to eat in 2 weeks posted by boaboy13 on November 16, 2002 at 12:07:41:

Yes, as Mr. "Afflicted" said you need to hold off feeding for a bit. In my opinion your whole approach to getting them started has been much too desperate and not considerate in allowing the babies to take off naturally and get settled into a normal feeding pattern. One cannot rush arboreals in starting them... even amazons! It is inconsiderate to the animals and an insult to the customers you will be selling them to, for surely you will get callbacks on those guys if you sell them this Dec 7th.
At this point it could take anywhere from six months to a year of carefully feeding them small pinks (gradually upping their size)to get their digestive system back on track!! Amazons often bounce back very well from this but baby amazons can be delicate. Their esophagus needs time to heal after a regurge or the irritation will trigger a vicious syndrome of regurging until death.
I would say you need a better supply of newborn to 2day-old mouse pinks and you need to hone your feeding technique in starting these guys well. Your tree boas AND your customers will thank you for it!!!
Good Luck and keep us posted please!
John Hedger

:Hey all, my female atb had her babies on 8/28/02 they ate very little after there first shed, (it was mostly fuzzys cut in slivers for them, since they dont like pinks) and after that they all stoped, so i had to start force feeding them with a pinkey press, i did this till about 4 weeks ago when i ran out of pinks (got a big order of them coming on tuesday) so i have been buying live fuzzys at the pet shop, all most all of them ate but 3 days later they all regurtated it all (VERY nasty mess) and i hade to move all the babies to new clean cages, and the any food they eat (pinks as well) they are not holding it down, what should i do? i need to get them eating before december 7th!! (im selling them at the ky reptile show)
:well thanks for any help!!!

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