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Re: First tree boa...bad shed. (assistance please: )

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Posted by ls1grrrl on November 06, 2002 at 08:14:29:

In Reply to: First tree boa...bad shed. (assistance please: ) posted by Nyarlathotep on November 05, 2002 at 20:34:59:

Do you have humidity guages in the snake's enclosure? (I'm asking b/c you didn't specify that the animals enclosure is maintained at x% humidity.) If not, then you need to do so immediately for all your snakes, otherwise its impossible to know you're maintaining proper husbandry and you may continue to experience bad sheds no matter what you try. You can pick up a digital hygrometer + therm. at somewhere like K-mart or Wal-mart for less than $20 and its well worth the investment.

As suggested, soaking the animal will help with the current bad shed, and partially covering vents may help hold in humidity. You may also have to mist more often, and/or make sure that 1) the substrate is somewhat moist and 2) you have some sort of under tank heater to help put the moisture from the substrate into the air. A bowl of wet sphagnum moss can help as well.

It can be very difficult to hold humidity in an aquarium without taking alot of effort (i.e., limiting venting which can be detrimental to some animals - tree boas for instance, buying some sort of humidifier/fogger/misting system).

Hope this helps,

:I mist once a day. I do also own a Rainbow boa and a Yellow anaconda, so I am no stranger to high-humidity herps.
:Any suggestions?

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