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Re: Thanks to Mike for the help

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Posted by Mike H. on November 03, 2002 at 16:23:30:

In Reply to: Thanks to Mike for the help posted by Billingham on November 03, 2002 at 15:16:52:

It was my pleasure RJ. Thanks for braving it up and posting your "thank you" here and thanks for the email :)

Just for the record, if this stuff is good enough for...
Danny Mendez
NJ Herpetological Society

Then it's good enough for us.

Here's a little reading material...

following a photo of his cages complete with these as perches, Danny wrote...
As for the perches...I'm lucky enough to live deep in the woods where this large vine grows EVERYWHERE! Funny thing is, no one can give me an answer as to what species it is. Anyhow, it's very "twisty" and knarled and has a very coarse surface and the kicker is it is overall very light weight...As soon as I find out what it is chuck I'll let you know. As for the source, it's about 200 yards from my house..

I give a few pieces out to my friends here and there but I'd never sell it.

In regards to a photo of a red ATB on a big branch laying in his yard, Danny wrote...
Some of you like to go out of the way to make fun of the perch that I always use in my I thought I'd show you what my photo studio looks was especially picturesque as I took a photo of a silly little red Amazon.

In regards to a photo of that same branch laying on the ground with a bunch of wild deer just a few feet away, Danny wrote...
About an hour later, a few friends came to visit, I took this pic out of my window...

In regards to my advice to you about how to find these vines, Tim wrote...
After rereading the information (or lack there of) in your posts, you recommended taking a natural wood product out of the wild. Not bothering to mention any sort of possible contamination factors that could prove to be fatal to reptiles. Like possibly parasites, chemical toxins (weed killer and the like), possible natural toxins in the wood, bug infestations, any sort of poison ivy that may have left secretions no the wood, and list goes on.
All this unmentioned RISK in your mind is much safer than the artificial products that I recommended?
Not to mention the fact that artificial is much easier to decontaminate between animals. Wood products will soak up any liquid that gets on them and will be virtually impossible to remove between animals.
I guess that would explain a few things about your husbandry practices and advice.

It's funny in Tim's eyes, my "information (or lack there of)" was so terrible he had to publicly criticize me for it, but all of those posts by Danny got nothing but positive responses from the members of that particular forum. Tim claims to have talked to Danny privately about it. Imagine that, some guy who's never produced an arboreal in his life straightened out the president of the NJ Herp. Society :)

So anyways RJ, don't sweat it. And send some more pics, those were great!

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