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Re: why do my ATB's fight

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Posted by afflicted on October 30, 2002 at 18:07:39:

In Reply to: why do my ATB's fight posted by chopper on October 29, 2002 at 18:45:28:

Occasionally when introducing amazons their snappy nature combined with the agitation of being moved causes them to go after whatever is moving or agitating them. I would let one acclimate and become comfortable, then try to introduce the other without getting either too riled up. I may also try misting to get them out of "attack" mode. Good luck

: I just got pair of adult Amazon Tree Boas from the hamburg show. They were sold to me as 1.1 when I got home we probed them and sure enough they are a pair. When they are placed in the same tank, it just takes a couple minuets and it looks like a wrestling match. Is this fore play? Is it possible the just are not a compatible pair? will they settle down after they aclimate. Does anyone else have trouble with pairs of tree boas fighting. I have a young pair that are fine together but these guys are five foot of attitude.

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