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Re: could someone please explain how to get ATB's to breed...

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Posted by boaboy13 on October 25, 2002 at 15:15:14:

In Reply to: could someone please explain how to get ATB's to breed... posted by chopper on October 17, 2002 at 17:30:15:

Hey, i just got down breeding my ATB, how long have you had them and how is the female? (weight, size, helth, etc) then start feeding the female VERY heavly on mice and young rats, and start cuting the light short (VERY imported!) slowly till your at about 4 hrs a day, and heavly mist them and keep the humitiy as high as possable, do this for one mounth, then (i do it at night) put the male with the female (its beter not to stress the female, so move the male) and put them to geter, leave them to geter (even after they mate) for at lest a mounth, then remove the male, then you can probly start to be able to tell if the female is pregnet or not in a few mounths, if you breed them in January (best time!) they will all most all ways have there babies in september, the female will rarly eat when she is pregnet, (but mine ate till about 3 mounths befor giveing birth) after the babies are born start feeding the female heavly till she is good and fat agen, as for the babies, they have a yoke sack that will last one week, spreart them the best you can (i put a dived in 2 10 gallons and have 2 25 leat lamps on each side) good luck on geting the babies to eat, i bought a pinkey press and im having to force feed them right now, but try fuzzey mice, i got 4 of mine to eat fuzzeys, its on real to see such i tiny snake eat a big fuzzey mouse.
well good luck!!
P.s its not as hard as it sounds!

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