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aggressive or not?

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Posted by ls1grrrl on May 04, 2003 at 10:17:17:

In Reply to: aggressive or not? posted by grimreaper32125 on May 04, 2003 at 01:10:41:

Well, before you decide you'd like to buy either a green tree python (GTP) or an emerald tree boa (ETB) (or an amazon tree boa - ATB) I would recommend you do alot more research on them. Many of them are more aggressive than your standard red tail boa for instance, but there are some that with effort can be tamed down and handled. They are not generally as hardy as other boas though, so frequent (i.e., daily) handling is not encouraged.

They also have more difficult husbandry requirements than many people can handle - relatively low temp and high humidity requirements make it challenging to give them the proper setup.

One site I recommend you read thoroughly is - it has a ton of information on tree boas.

:my brother told me that tree pytons AND tree boas are very aggressive and dont make good pets but are for show. is this true? because i am very interested in getting a tree boa. i have seen green tree pythons in stores for upwards of $450 and they are babies and green! do those tree boas turn green or do they stay brown?

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