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Posted by highlander1 on April 04, 2003 at 22:48:57:

In Reply to: baby atb still not eating.....2 months now!! posted by donk142 on April 04, 2003 at 15:44:57:

:I posted a message a while back about my baby atb not eating. I have tried to feed once a week after the helpful advice given to me here, but he is still not eating. I have been told to take him to a vet if he dosent eat for 3 months. Its almost been 2 and a half moths and no luck....can anyone suggest anything? I am really worried about him.. He appears to be very healthy and active. I have his enclosure (2 1/2 gal) completely covered, and his heat and humidity are perfect. He just wont eat! Please help!!

For starters your enclosure is way too small.The temps cant be ambient because the tank would be the same degrees all the time on all sides.Get yourself a 10 gallon aquarium or like david said a rubbermaid container tall enough to let the temps fluctuate.Having the same temps all through the tank isnt good for the snake.He's more than likely stressed from heat and cant find a cooler spot to get to which would more than likely explain your not eating scenario.After getting the new enclosure put branches,hide spots,etc. and then try to feed it after about a week of being in its new cage.If you dont change the enclosure to a bigger size then one of two things WILL happen.1) Either it will die from heat exhaustion or 2) It will starve itself to death.Either way fix the enclosure problem then try to feed.

If he/she still doesnt eat after fixing the other problem then try scenting the pinkie with an anole or gecko.Or if you have to feed it either one until it starts feeding on its own and then try to scent. Regards Bill McLeod

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