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Don't raise the humidity and keep it nice and warm. more

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Posted by AnthonyCaponetto on March 31, 2003 at 17:13:11:

In Reply to: Re: It has an RI posted by filfrog on March 30, 2003 at 17:19:14:

First off, I've been there and dealt with RI's in several species and I can tell you that raising the humidity (as suggested by David Beard) is not what you want to do....that is, assuming the humidity isn't ridiculously low (below 50%). I would make sure your cage isn't too damp. Dripping wet cage conditions have been known to cause respiratory infections even in high humidity species, and most assuredly will not help it go away.

Keep the humidity relatively low (about 50-60%) and don't drop the temps at night...even if a light has to stay on. Day/Night cycles are of little importance right now. Give it a week or so, and if it doesn't seem to be improving, then you may need to see a veterinarian, in order to get your little guy some antibiotics.

Feel free to email with any questions.

:It definitly has a respiratory infection as it had bubbles forming at the end of its mouth. Its cage is very warm and humid. Do you think if I kept the temps higher but humidity the RI would go away?
:P.S-its a gorgeous yellow phase

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