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Re: Request for pics of tree boa cage set ups please!!!n/p

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Posted by boaboy13 on March 15, 2003 at 10:10:53:

In Reply to: Re: Request for pics of tree boa cage set ups please!!!n/p posted by zodfalcon on March 15, 2003 at 07:52:00:

Hey, Thanks, To tell you the turth, im not sure, I first bought the cage, (I think it was around 150-200 bucks) And I slowly added other stuff. But 90% of the stuff in it are things I found laying around, out side and in the attic. I dont know if you can see it or not, but I have a old bird feeder thing in it, it looked really old, and used to have alot of "praying angles" on it but most got busted off, and theres on left, so it looks like some sort of old ruins, but it has small old steal chain tied to the top of the cage. But the box on the top left is what I like, And my female amazon really likes, But the rest of the vines like I sead are fake. I used to have a old water fall in it, but it kept leaking. Well glad you liked it!
If you want some more in cage pictures I can go take them!

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