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Re: atb question...please respond

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Posted by boaboy13 on March 02, 2003 at 18:42:38:

In Reply to: atb question...please respond posted by tom88 on March 02, 2003 at 00:59:28:

ATB are not fully abroil (sp?) fact is they only spend about 75% of there time in the branchs. Try moveing the lamp over to one of the branchs. I also put a hide box in the upper parts of the cage, and my female ATB spends more time in the branchs, since yours is a baby, you could use some a bird nest you buy at pet stores for fenchs and other small birds. And make sure you have the temps right, if its to hot they will seek out the lower part of the cage, the upper air needs to be around 80-85, and a basking spot of about 90-95, the floor of the cage needs to be able to get to about 75-78 degs. Also it helps to add alot of fake vines and plants, it makes the cage look better and gives the snake more places to hide, plus they drink off of them when you mist them. Last but not lest, what are you useing for branchs? I use grape vine that i pull out of the woods and bake it to kill the parasites, and use screws to put it in place, i then cut the sharp end off and back the screw back out. This way there is no risk of the snake cuting its selth, Well good luck!
Feel free to e-mail me if you need more help!

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