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My Babies are here

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Posted by Grr on February 25, 2003 at 13:32:01:

Well Adults lol. They got here about 3 hours ago. And I must say they look great! I will have pics up as soon as my friend comes over with his DC today or tomorrow.

Well the female is huge. She is a Blueish grey with light tane saddle/blotches. She was really aggresive at first but settled right down after she was put in her cage. She cruzed around alittle then found a hide and there is where she is now. She seems to be alittle over 5 foot. She is so pretty. Also She is really nice weight and I was promised she and the male ate mice and I have a 5 day gaurantee on them both.

The Male is alot smaller I say maybe a little over three foot. His color is brownish with dark brown Saddle/blotches. He came out of his bag really calm. But when I looked him over I seen a small tick. I was kinda upset he was shipped to me with a tick on him. Well I got the tick off him and made an apointment for them both at my local herp Vet. Just to make sure they are both in tip top shape. But other then the tick he looks healthy as can be. Once he started to warm up a bit that is when is attitude changed. He kissed me twice lol. But It was my fault because I was looking for more ticks(did not find any! ). He is still alittle jumpy he is in his cage backed up striking at any movement that goes near his cage. So I covered his cage with a sheet to calm him a bit.

Yes if you are thinking these are WC you are right. I could not pass them up. I have dealt with WC snakes before just never ATBs. But when I post my pics you will see how pretty they are. Well ATB owners are bais I know lol. When I opened the bag to the female my eyes jumped out of my head. Her size and color are just awsome! So next season I am hoping for babies.

Well until my next post

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