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Found one DOR, Epicrated Inornatus (Puerto Rico Boa)!

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Posted by googo151 on February 13, 2003 at 01:03:18:

I was road cruising on route #2 , in route to Rincon, from San German, Puerto Rico, the other day, when I discovered a newly DOR'd, Puerto Rico Boa, just hit by a vehicle about 15 minutes prior to my finding it. The snake was about 4-4.5', in total length, and was a male judging from its extruding hemipenes that were found to be showing as the result of the accident.

The animal was photographed and recorded for the Dept. of Natural Resourses of Mayaguez Puerto Rico, for their records by me, as there is I believe an on going study to date being done on the endangered indigenous boa of Puerto Rico. I don't know how many of you know of this rare boa and its plight at the moment on the island of Puerto Rico, but the boa has suffered much persecution at the hands of the locals for its oil over many years, and has also, suffered the wrath of the builders and mongooses that were released at the turn of the century for the control of the rat population in the sugar cane fields.

At any rate, I just wanted to share this anectode as I thought it was an amazing find despite the fact that the Boa, was found in a poor state. If you'd like to find out more about the Puerto Rico Boa, Epicrates Inornatus, you can do a search online and get some more information on it and some history of this rare snake.

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