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Re: ETB or GTP

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Posted by bam171bam on October 02, 2002 at 15:25:37:

In Reply to: Re: ETB or GTP posted by ls1grrrl on October 02, 2002 at 11:44:17:

:I believe the point Craig was trying to make was that, if a person was setting out to buy a snake of a certain species, then they'd want to be able not only identify it, but know all about the husbandry requirements BEFORE actually making the purchase.

:To use your example of sinaloan or nelsons milksnake, if I wanted to buy a sinaloan milksnake I would want to be absolutely sure I could actually tell the difference between it and a nelsons before making a purchase. This is for your own good (to keep you from getting bamboozled by an unscrupulous seller) and more importantly (in my opinion) for the good of the animal.

:You're right, no one can possibly know everything about every snake, but you should take the responsibility to educate yourself about the ones you do bring home and optimally you would do this BEFORE bringing them home so that you are prepared and absolutely certain you can care for the animal before putting it through the stress of transporting, putting into a new habitat, etc.

:ETBs and GTPs have husbandry requirements that are fairly difficult for an inexperienced (or ill-prepared) person to handle. The requirements aren't just a "if you can manage it" type of thing. These animals will truly suffer if they're not maintained at just the right temps, humidity and feeding regime. These requirements are pretty different from those of other boas and pythons, so its something you want to be prepared for beforehand.


I will agree that the requirement needed for an emmy or chondro are not always easily obtained. However most often, if someone has the money to pay for a snake of that value, then paying for the necessary items to house the snake is also not a problem. I would have went with my instincts and said it was GTP, but under the circumstances, my word was not sufficient, because my friend wanted to take the snake back if was in fact an ETB. I wanted a sure fire way to tell the difference. I see chondros and emmy's at shows all the time, i can usually tell the difference by first glance of the head, but i never really knew what the exact difference was.
Thanks to everyone the helped. The snake did infact end up being a GTP, and the Petshop owner gave a full refund.

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