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New ATB question

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Posted by vvvddd on February 10, 2003 at 23:46:26:

Hey all,

A friend of mine had 2 Amazon newborns that he wasn't really interested in anymore so he offered them to me for $50. They look pretty nice so I jumped for it and got them saturday. No idea about the sexes. He had been housing them together and they hadn't eaten for a month so I separated them and they ate small fuzzies immediately that night. Now, one of them was in shed but past blue (so I didn't know it when I fed) and rubbed off around his snout earlier today. I've misted twice to keep humidity up but he hasn't finished. These are my first tree boas (after 10 colubrids and 2 brbs) so I'm just curious if they take a little longer to shed than normal (especially since they don't seem to move around much). I'm going to let them be for a while, but how long should I let it go and not be worried (if he doesn't finish)? I've read the care sheets and I'm misting quite a lot, but none say anything about retained sheds.


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