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I just say this...

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Posted by Niki on April 28, 2003 at 08:11:35:

In Reply to: Tortoise Etiquette posted by edmund on April 26, 2003 at 11:00:25:

"Teddy's a real mommy's boy and nobody else really pets him".
when we're walking out in public. Actually nobody has offered
to "can I pet him?" lately, probably because he's a gigantic
monster that probably sprays venom out of his eyes and rips
you to shreds with those front legs while mauling you. He
won't stop and stand still for anything anyways so it hasn't
been a problem. Plus I think a lot of people think it's a
snapper. lol!

I'm lucky that anybody even CAN pick him up for me correctly,
my husband can and my brother also is able to help out, like
he had to last week. I really appreciated the help and am
glad I involved my family in raising Teddy since he was small
so they aren't afraid of him (you laugh but I've seen people
cower in a room when they saw him at the vets, wouldn't come
near him). My son & mom can't pick him up anymore, but my dad can
he's always surprised how heavy he is. So I trust only 3 other
people to pick him up, especially because he can kick off really
hard with his back legs. You gotta give people credit for
picking up an animal that looks like that with those front legs

Nobody really volunteers to handle my tarantulas and those
are my only other pets - one of my neighbors will not even
come into my house because of them, no matter what I tell
her (like there's 50 thousand spiders outside in the yard.)

You're right about the rough handling, just don't stand for

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