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Re: Ok, is this idea just too crazy?

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Posted by cagrlalwys on April 18, 2003 at 21:40:56:

In Reply to: Ok, is this idea just too crazy? posted by Nicodemus on April 18, 2003 at 18:57:12:

I have heard of someone doing it. I am pretty sure there is a pic at the link below. Go to yahoo photos and then go to cassiopeia and it is there. Its not like you or I was thinking but it is a start and show someone has somewhat done it. Im sure you could make it bigger and all that. Good luck :)

:I had a nutty idea to make a 2 story indoor pen.

:The upper level would either be elevated a couple feet above the bottom but the same length and width on legs.

:Or it could be only about half the size bascially built right on top of one half of the pen making a large cave like area under a large open area.

:Then of course some sort of ramp leading from the bottom to the top.

:Obviously care would be taken to be sure the tort couldn't go over the top, or off the side of the ramp, and fall.

:Is this just too nutty?
:I can't seem to find a flaw in the idea (if built properly), but then again I'd figure someone else would have tried it by now.

:Any thoughts?

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