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thinking of a tegu

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Posted by Rollin on May 19, 2003 at 10:51:45:

In Reply to: thinking of a tegu posted by baggins on May 18, 2003 at 21:31:26:

Yeah take note of that; expect to see him a few hours everyday. A usual day for mine is they'll go sit in their basking spot until they get hot enough. I can reach in and pet them all I want when they're laying there under the basking light. Then they'll move over to the side of the basking spot still just kind of sitting around. They perk up a little becoming restless and will walk out of their cage going on the hunt. Their tongue flicks at everything as they walk across my living room tasting the various objects around on the floor. They don't tire and eventually loose a lot of their fear of me(if I was to run at them they'd cower). They know the food comes from me so they start to come over to me looking for food. At this point if I pet them they'll be more curious about my hand flicking it with their tongue but they realize it's not food. If I pet them they'll pause for a few seconds but they sure aren't going to sit in my lap. Once I feed them they retreat back to their cage bask, sit around on the cool end, and go in and out of their den. They'll sit still for 10 mins or so then move a little usually, contrary to when they're hungry when they won't sit still at all.
I don't think you have to worry about getting a mean one they're few and far between. Mine are a little shy or wary of me except when they're hungry then they start to get more aggressive less afraid. When I pick them up they usually sit still while I carry them to the bathroom but they won't stay in my lap for more then a few mins. Mine are less shy the older they get and mine are still young ens. Mine don't seem to care if music or the tv is on or whatever.

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